Jens PECHO ( CV HP )

Aborted Tattoo (1996), Tattoo (2016)

03.02.2017 - 07.05.2017 BANGKOK

"About three years ago," I related, "I was swimming with a young man over whose physical form a marvelous grace seemed to shine. He must have been just sixteen or so, and only the first signs of vanity, induced by the favors of women, could be seen, as it were, in the farthest distance. It so happened that shortly before, in Paris, we had seen the famous statue called the Spinario, the youth removing a thorn from his foot – copies of it are familiar and to be found in most German collections. A glance in a large mirror recalled it to him at a moment when, in drying himself, he happened to raise his foot to a stool – he smiled and mentioned the discovery he had made. I indeed had noticed it too in the very same instant, but either to test the self-assurance of the grace with which he was endowed, or to challenge his vanity in a salutary way, I laughed and said he was seeing phantoms. He blushed and raised his foot a second time to prove it to me, but the attempt, as might easily have been foreseen, did not succeed. Confused, he raised his foot a third and fourth time; he must have raised it ten times more: in vain! He was unable to produce the same movement again. And the movements that he did make had so comical an effect that I could hardly suppress my laughter.

Heinrich von Kleist, On the Puppet Theater
Published in Berliner Abendblätter, 1810

Jens PECHO ( CV HP )

Statistisches Bundesamt, Fachserie 12, Reihe 4 / Andrea

15.07.2015 - 16.08.2015, OPENING 14.07.2015, 19h

Im Jahr 2011 verstarben in Deutschland 852,328 Personen. Damit sank die Zahl der Gestorbenen gegenüber dem Vorjahr leicht um 0,7 %.
Die häufigste Todesursache war auch im Jahr 2011 eine Erkrankung des Kreislaufsystems (Kapitel IX). Obwohl sich hier ein leichter Rückgang abzeichnet betrug deren Anteil an den gesamten Todesursachen immer noch 40,2 %. Bei über einem Viertel der Sterbefälle (26,8 %) wurde eine Neubildung (Kapitel II) als Todesursache festgestellt. Krankheiten des Atmungssystems (Kapitel X) waren bei 7,0 % und Krankheiten des Verdauungssystems (Kapitel XI) bei 4,8 % der Gestorbenen die Todesursache. 3,9% aller Verstorbenen erlagen im Jahr 2011 einer nicht natürliche Todesursache (Kapitel XIX Verletzungen und Vergiftungen und bestimmte andere Folgen äußerer Ursachen.

Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden 2014